Promote the use of standardized measures for prospective research
Facilitate the ability to share harmonized data resulting from the use of standardized measures
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Current models emphasize attention to implementation throughout the intervention development process. The goal in compiling these instruments, is to promote harmonized measurement of implementation at all stages of digital therapeutic intervention research. Key topics include:
Implementation Outcomes
Implementation Contexts: Characteristics of Intervention
Implementation Contexts: Characteristics of Inner Setting
As a new field, implementation science is experiencing instrumentation issues where a large number of measures have been created but have not been sufficiently evaluated to ensure they actually measure what is intended. This resource contains articles disucssing the review of implementaiton science measures. Open access articles include:
Advancing the application, quality and harmonization of implementation science measures (Implementation Science, 2012)
Measuring factors affecting implementation of health innovations: A systematic review of structural, organizational, provider, patient, and innovation level measures (Implementation Science, 2013)
Psychometric properties of implementation measures for public health and community settings and mapping of constructs against the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research: a systematic review (Implementation Science, 2016)
Developing measures to assess constructs from the Inner Setting domain of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (Implementation Science, 2018)
In addition to selecting a implementation research plan and outcomes, it is also necessary to identify how to measure the selected implementation outcomes. Please see these resources regarding some guidance on measures to consider for implementation outcomes.