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Additional Topics


Below are several topics that we have identified as important to highlight within the field of implementation science and research, along with a selection of resources for more information in each topic.

Barriers & Facilitators

This toolkit includes a decision tree to help you identify which approach to barrier and facilitator measurement may be most relevant to your research, in-depth reviews of multiple-and single-factor measurement tools, and examples of barriers and facilitators that have been identified in various service settings and clinical contexts.

The Center for Implementation published an article named "5 practical tips for mapping barriers and facilitators to an implementation framework" to grow awareness and understanding of the importance of collecting barriers and facilitators data and mapping it to an implementation framework.

Relevant Publications and Articles:


  • Légaré, F., & Zhang, P. (2013). Barriers and facilitators: Strategies for identification and measurement. In S. E. Straus, J. Tetroe, & I. D. Graham (Eds.), Knowledge translation in health care (2nd ed., pp. 121–136). Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

Adaptation & Fidelity

This website introduces adaptability and fidelity in implementation science and offers readings as well as questions to guide study planning.

This website houses training series for Implementation Science. One section covers adaptation and fidelity by providing relevant content and fidelity trajectories.

Relevant Publications and Articles:



This resource discusses how to bring a health equity lens to implementation science frameworks, describes useful frameworks, and how to integrate health equity with implementation science.

The D&I webtool was developed as a collaborative effort of colleagues from the ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Program at the University of Colorado, Denver, the Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC) at the Washington University Institute for Clinical and Translational Science and the Dissemination and Implementation Science Center (DISC) at UC San Diego.   The webtool we are developing as part of the ISC3 covers a broader range of topics beyond theories, models and frameworks and was designed to complement the D&I webtool.

This site has several articles about integrating Health Equity into Implementation Science such as "Equity in Implementation Science Is Long Overdue" and "Equity Is Fundamental to Implementation Science"

This toolkit provides a comprehensive resource to help implementation scientists get started with health equity-focused implementation research. The toolkit assumes that the user has basic knowledge of foundational concepts and constructs in implementation science and is looking for guidance or suggestions regarding what to know, what to consider, and how to start implementation research projects that integrate a health equity lens.

Recorded lecture on “Exploring Health Equity in Implementation Science

Relevant Publications and Articles:



This resource describes financial and programmatic sustainability planning and activities for each stage of implementation science planning.

This website houses training series for Implementation Science. One section covers sustainability by providing information on effective stakeholder engagement

Relevant Publications and Articles:


Recorded lecture on “De-Implementation: The Complexities of Overuse, Overdiagnosis, & De-Adoption:”

Relevant Publications and Articles:

Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Designs

Recorded lecture on “Hybrid Designs” Combining Elements of Clinical Effectiveness and Implementation Research

Recorded lecture on "Effectiveness or Implementation - Why not both? A Hybrid Designs Webinar."

Relevant Publications and Articles:

Cost Effectiveness

This tool was created by UC San Diego DISC and the ACCORDS D&I Program to compile resources, tools, and studies about cost/cost effectiveness research in implementation science.

Relevant Publications and Articles:
  • Costing Annotated Bibliography of Key Economic Analysis Resources Especially Relevant for Implementation Science

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